Electrick Motorsports


Ryan Kugal, Owner/President

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About Electrick Motorsports

At Electrick Motorsports we are powersports enthusiasts, and we are excited to help you experience the fun and adventure that a quality E-Z-GO, Cushman or Evolution vehicle can bring into your life! We are a powersports dealership serving the Rocklin area, offering the best in new and pre-owned Golf Carts and other powersports vehicles. Our friendly and knowledgeable sales, financing, service, and parts departments are ready to offer outstanding service at every point, from assisting while you're making your choice to ongoing maintenance and customization. At Electrick Motorsports, we value the opportunity to create a long-term relationship with our customers, and we do that by making sure to exceed your expectations.

When you want to enjoy a higher level of personal service, look to Electrick Motorsports., where we consider our customers an extension of our family.

Electrick Motorsports Inc., EMI, is a family-owned dealership that is the number one golf car dealership in Northern California and one of the top golf car dealerships in the country. Our mission is to be the number-one resource for golf cars and neighborhood electric vehicles, (NEVs), and to offer top-of-the -line customizable products with superior customer service. EMI is proud to be the largest volume authorized dealer for E-Z-GO and Cushman products in Northern California and is also an authorized dealer for Tomberlin and Evolution. In addition to new golf cars and NEVs, we also carry an extensive inventory of used and refurbished golf cars and NEVs and have the resources to ship anywhere in the country. EMI is a licensed California Auto and Powersports dealer, which means we can take care of the license and registration for your new vehicle in-house, and is licensed by the California Bureau of Automotive Repair, meaning you can trust your vehicle's service will pass all regulations mandated by the state.

Customized Carts

EMI can build you the golf cart you have always dreamed of having. We have an extensive list of options you can choose from to make your cart unique and cater it to your preferred taste. Whether you would like to make it weather-proof to enjoy your cart year-round or you want your paint to stand out from the rest, we have hundreds of different options for you to choose from. Please visit our Cart Gallery to view samples of customized carts, both new and used, that have been built to fit customer's specifications.


Looking to have your golf cart serviced? Electrick Motorsports Inc, (EMI), is here to help! EMI has the area’s largest service shop and most skilled technicians ready to serve you. Our team of technicians are all factory certified and are trained on all makes and models of vehicles, including, but not limited to E-Z-Go, Club Car, Yamaha, Tomberlin, GEM, Ford, Columbia, Evolution, Yamaha, and Cushman. We have a fleet of service trucks that can offer on-site service as well as local pick-up and delivery for more extensive service and repair work. Our turn-around-time is typically 24-48 hours, depending on the service required. We understand and stress the importance of customer service and do our very best to be the service leader in the Greater Sacramento Area. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding servicing your golf cart.

Online Parts and Accessories

In addition to being one of the top golf car dealerships in the country, EMI also operates one of the largest industry websites offering factory and aftermarket parts and accessories to make your golf car or NEV stand out from the rest. If you do not see what you are looking for just ask, feel free to send us an email or give us a phone call. We are continually adding the newest, the latest, and the greatest golf cart parts and accessories all the time to ensure you have everything you want.


Electrick Motorsports rents both 2 and 4-passenger vehicles using the new E-Z-Go RXV models. You may view our rental agreement and please feel free to contact us with any inquiries you may have.