Men’s Golf Club of Lincoln Hills
Revised January, 2024
Hello MGCLH Members,
My name is Fred Jaicks and I’m the current Webmaster for the MGCLH. Our prior Webmaster, Al Soares, built this website for MGCLH. This website is hosted at GoDaddy and built with the WordPress software which powers 25% of the Internet. Hopefully, you’ll find this website easy-to-use. You can contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions.
This new website is based upon the Responsive WordPress Theme. It has an intuitive foundation with a fluid grid system that automatically adapts your website to mobile devices including smartphones, tablets and desktops so your website looks incredible on any device.
The website has 2 main sections: the “Blog” and the rest of the website. The Blog allows authorized individuals (not the Webmaster) to post information to the website such as; Tournament Flyers & Results, LinksLetters, Golf Items for Sales, etc. This means the club is not dependent upon the Webmaster to post all the information to the website. The Webmaster will maintain the rest of the website.
Home Page – is divided into an upper and lower section. The upper section contains announcements while the lower section contains the Blog divided into 3 sub-sections. The lower left section contains the 10 Most Recent Posts. The middle section contains the next 5 Tournaments. The lower right section contains the Sponsors of the Month, Blog Categories, and Blog Archive Folders.
Tournament Schedule – the tournament schedule will now be listed on a “Event Calendar” under the Menu item “Upcoming Events”. The Event Calendar can be viewed in either calendar or list (default) format. Each tournament will contain dates, time, course, and a link to the results. Remember, the next 5 tournaments will be listed on the Home Page in the lower center section. The Tournaments section will contain a summary of the years tournaments in spreadsheet format.
LinksLetters – are now listed in the Blog under the category “LinksLetters”.
Sponsors – the sponsors “business cards” are listed on the summary page Sponsors. Also, each sponsor has their own webpage that contains contact information, map, description of their business & maybe a discount coupon.
Equitable Stroke Control – (under the Members Section) this webpage contains an informational video describing the procedure whereby abnormally high individual hole scores are adjusted downward prior to the score being posted. Check it out, it describes the process pretty well.
In closing, please browse every page on the website to familiarize yourself with the layout and content of the website. You can’t break it! If you have any questions please contact me at [email protected]
Remember, “Golf is an endless series of tragedies obscured by the occasional miracle!”
Fred Jaicks
MGCLH Webmaster