Sign up for the Valentines Day Massacre – 4 Man Lone Ranger Format

2025 February 11th Valentine’s Day Massacre
4-Man Lone Ranger
9am T Time Start on Hills and Orchard

Initial Sign Up

Lone Ranger
The Lone Ranger tournament format is a fun game that is played with foursomes. Every hole, one player in that foursome is assigned to be the Lone Ranger.  On the 1st hole, player in position 1 will act as the Lone Ranger.  On the 2nd hole, player in position 2 will act as the Lone Ranger.  3rd hole, player in position 3, 4th hole, player in position 4.  The cycle then repeats rest of the round.  The team counts the Lone Ranger ball as well as the best ball of the other 3 players.  So, two balls will be scored on each hole.

Sign up as a Foursome, or as Single, Twosome or Threesome and we will assign players to create 4-Man teams as necessary.
White Tees are standard, however any Player may sign-up for the green or red tees if they play those tees more than 50% of the times they play on that course.

Gross and Net Prizes in each Flight.

Long Drive and Closest to the Pin Contests

Click here to Register

The Close-Date for Online sign-up is Monday, February 3rd, 2025
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Any questions email Ron Lunsford at (


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