Blog Archives

Board Minutes for March 2023

March Minutes (click here)


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Posted in BoD Minutes

Signup for Spring Scramble (ABCD) – May 16, 2023

Sign-up as a Single, and we will assign your Team Partners.
The 4-Man ABCD Teams are automatically created, and all Team Handicaps are set as equal as possible.
A’s are ranked low-high, B’s high-low, C’s low-high, D’s high-low.
(‘A’ is lowest handicap player, ‘D’ is highest).

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Posted in Flyers & Tournament Information

NCGA Senior Four-Ball Net Championship & Just For Fun – April 18, 2023

Please find below the results of the 2023 NCGA-Qualifier and JFF Tournament.  Special congratulations to our two Teams who have qualified for the next stage of the NCGA Senior Four-Ball Net Championship, which will be the Area Qualifier at Ancil Hoffman on August 24th:

Thomas Gentile and Ted Francis        Net 64
Ray Engelhardt and Ed Cadger          Net 65

The results were very close in all Flights,

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Posted in Tournament Results

Results for Tournament of Champions & Just For Fun – April 4, 2023

April Tournament of Champions & Just For Fun Results (click here)


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Posted in Tournament Results

LinksLetter for April 2023

April LinksLetter (click here)


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Posted in LinksLetters

Signup for NCGA Senior 4-Ball Net Championship & Just For Fun – April 18, 2023

Please note that this Tournament is only 2 weeks away, due to the reschedule of our TOC-JFF event.
All sign-ups should be entered by next Tuesday April 11th.

Sign-up as a Twosome, or as a Single and we will assign your Playing Partner.

This event will be played over both the Hills and Orchard Courses,

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Posted in Flyers & Tournament Information

Revised Tournament Schedule for 2023

A revised 2023 Tournament Schedule is now on the Tournaments 2023 page.  The only real change is that we have established a May Tournament, by moving the 4-Man (ABCD) “Spring Scramble” event to May 16th (new date), and inserting a 4-Man Stableford “June Jitters” event on the previously planned June 20th date. 

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Posted in Flyers & Tournament Information

Board Minutes for February 2023

February Minutes (click here)


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Posted in BoD Minutes

Signup for Tournament of Champions and Just For Fun – April 4, 2023

This is updated for the Re-Scheduled “2023 Tournament of Champions, and Just-For-Fun” Event.  As we don’t know who is available for the new date, we need to ask everyone to sign-up again, and you can also sign-up if you didn’t previously sign-up for March 14th.

Sign-up as a Single,

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Posted in Flyers & Tournament Information

Board Minutes for January 2023

January Minutes (click here)


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Posted in BoD Minutes

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