Blog Archives

Signup for Club Championship & JFF (Individual Stroke Play) – October 30-31, 2023

Registration for the Annual MGCLH Club Championship and Just-For-Fun Tournament is Open!  

If you want to compete for the 2023 Club Championship and enjoy all the spoils that go with it, register for the Club Championship Division.  You will play two rounds of golf in this Division:  One round on Monday October 30th and the 2nd round on Tuesday October 31st. 

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Signup for Annual Member-Guest Invitational (Various 2-Man Formats) – September 11-12, 2023

Monday, Sep 11th:  Putting Contest and Horse Race

  • 2:00 PM:  Putting Contest to be held on the practice putting green. No Charge. This will be run by Teaching Pro Steve Treadway.
  • 4:00 PM Horse Race to be held on the Orchard Course.  $40 per team buy-in. 

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Signup for Summer Heat (2-Man Better Ball) – August 15, 2023

Sign-up as a Twosome, or as a Single and we will assign your playing Partner

White Tees are standard, however any Player may sign-up for the Green or Red tees if they play those tees more than 50% of the times they play on that course.

The Survivor Rule is in effect on #2 (Hills) or #3 (Orchard) for those aged 80 years or more.

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Signup for June Jitters (4-Man Stableford) – June 20, 2023

Sign-up here for the June Jitters tournament:  SIGNUP_FORM

The Deadline for Online sign-up is: Tuesday June 13th, 2023

Sign-up as a Foursome, or as a Single, Twosome or Threesome and we will assign playing Partner(s)

In 4-Ball Stableford all balls count on each hole.

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Signup for Spring Scramble (ABCD) – May 16, 2023

Sign-up as a Single, and we will assign your Team Partners.
The 4-Man ABCD Teams are automatically created, and all Team Handicaps are set as equal as possible.
A’s are ranked low-high, B’s high-low, C’s low-high, D’s high-low.
(‘A’ is lowest handicap player, ‘D’ is highest).

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Signup for NCGA Senior 4-Ball Net Championship & Just For Fun – April 18, 2023

Please note that this Tournament is only 2 weeks away, due to the reschedule of our TOC-JFF event.
All sign-ups should be entered by next Tuesday April 11th.

Sign-up as a Twosome, or as a Single and we will assign your Playing Partner.

This event will be played over both the Hills and Orchard Courses,

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Posted in Flyers & Tournament Information

Revised Tournament Schedule for 2023

A revised 2023 Tournament Schedule is now on the Tournaments 2023 page.  The only real change is that we have established a May Tournament, by moving the 4-Man (ABCD) “Spring Scramble” event to May 16th (new date), and inserting a 4-Man Stableford “June Jitters” event on the previously planned June 20th date. 

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Signup for Tournament of Champions and Just For Fun – April 4, 2023

This is updated for the Re-Scheduled “2023 Tournament of Champions, and Just-For-Fun” Event.  As we don’t know who is available for the new date, we need to ask everyone to sign-up again, and you can also sign-up if you didn’t previously sign-up for March 14th.

Sign-up as a Single,

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Posted in Flyers & Tournament Information

Signup for Tournament of Champions and Just For Fun – March 14, 2023

Sign-up as a Single, and we will assign all Playing Partners.

This event will be played over both the Hills and Orchard Courses, with Tee-Times from 08:30 AM – 10:30 AM.

There are two Divisions:

TOC – The Qualifiers for the TOC Division are those who have won 1st place (Gross or Net) in any Flight,

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Signup for Valentine’s Day Massacre – February 14, 2023

This tournament will be a Lone Ranger, 4-Man Scramble where the first player on the score card plays his ball all the way from tee to putting out, and his score is added to the scramble score for the other players. The Lone Ranger then goes to the next player on the card on the next hole.

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