The deadline for Online Sign-Up is Tuesday August 9, 2022
First tee-time is 7:30am on Hills #1 and #10 and Orchard #1.
Sign-Up as a Twosome, or as a Single and we will pair you up with another Single.
2-Man Better Ball play with the Better Ball counting on each hole. The lower score of the two players will count as the Team score for that hole.
White Tees are standard, however any Player may sign-up for the Green or Red tees if they play those tees more than 50% of the times they play on that course.
The Survivor Rule is in effect on #2 Hills and #3 Orchard for those aged 80 years or more by date of tournament.
Handicaps effective on August 11, 2022 will be used. Individual Playing Handicap Allowances will be 85% per USGA Tournament Format Recommendations.
Multiple Flights will be established based on total Team Handicap Indices. All teams within the same flight will start on the same course and hole.
Gross and Net Prizes in each Flight
Closest-to-the-Pin Prize on all Par-3’s, and Long Drive Prizes on both courses.
Click on this link to Sign-Up ->
Any Questions – contact Jim McGeough ([email protected], cell/text 510-205-8449) or
Jack Dillon ([email protected], cell/text: 916-761-1939)